Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 31, 334 to go

Watched the Biggest Loser last night.

That show makes me wanna work so much harder.

But I hate when they have challenges where its like "eat this crap and you'll get a reward".

Then some dumb contestant eats like 4 cupcakes for a reward thats not even worth it.

Matt is going out of town for a few days so it'll be just me and Breezy at the gym.

Breezy wanted to take today off so I was by myself this morning.

I did an hour on the treadmill non-stop.

My feet hurt sooooooooooooo bad afterwards.

They still kinda hurt now.

I feel like I really pushed myself to do it though.

I felt great afterwards, besides my feet.

Tomorrow we're gonna do super-sets of shoulders and legs then chest on Friday.

Gotta keep haulin' ass til the weigh-in!

I'm hoping for a 5 pound loss this week.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 26, 339 to go

Had another weigh-in today.

I was hoping for another 7 lbs.

That would make me 390 lbs and 30 lbs lost.

Not even close...

I lost 2 lbs this week.

I'm 395 lbs and 25 lost.

I'm bummed out but I know I shouldn't be.

I knew this was gonna happen but not so soon.

Maybe its not the plateau.

Maybe it was just a bad week.

I dunno.

But I'm gonna bust my ass next week for sure.

This 2 lbs a week shit has gotta go.

I picked up a 25 pound weight at the gym to see what it felt like.

I've lost that much weight.

That's not light.

25 pounds are gone.

My clothes are bigger.

I feel better.

25 more pounds to drop by New Years then 50 more after that by August 31, 2010.

I am soooooo there.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 24, 341 to go

I watched the Biggest Loser last night.

They were trying to beat the "Week 2" curse.

Generally in their 2nd week, they start to slow down.

That means they lose a lot less than they did before.

Some even gain weight.

Last night, no one gained and they all surpassed their Week 2 goals.

That gave me so much encouragement to get to my goals.

Today at the gym, we hauled ass.

We did "supersets".

Its where you work on two seperate body parts at the same time.

We did legs and shoulders.

I got really out of breath and sweat a lot...

...and I LOVED IT!

I felt like I did more today than on any day since I started.

It was quick and continuous.

I felt like I was actually accomplishing something.

My right shoulder is acting up again but it always does on our shoulder days.

One thing that was kind of a downer was this really bitchy chick next to us.

While we were on a leg machine, she kept asking to get on ours.

We had told her twice that we were gonna be done soon and out of her way.

I was last in our rotation and as I was about to do my last set, she asked again very rudely.

I told her I had one more set and we'd be done with it.

And she got pissy and stomped away.

When I'm at the gym, I'm there for one reason: to better myself.

I would hope everyone else is there for the same reason.

If someone else is on a machine that I want to use, I'm not gonna bitch and moan when I can't get on it.

I would encourage them to continue with their workout and I can do something else until its available.

I'm not going to bitch at someone to rush thru their routine or get out of my way.

Thats SO fucking rude. ARGH!

It pisses me off thinking about it now.


I'm not there for anyone but me.

And "me" feels pretty awesome.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 22, 343 to go

I had a cheat meal yesterday.

I totally regretted it all day.

A bunch of us went out Saturday night and crashed at Gabe's house.

Sunday morning, Andi and I went to this little tacqueria around the corner.

I got a chicken burrito full of beans and rice and cheese and blah blah blah.

It was good for about 10 mins.

Not only did I physically feel like shit all day, but I knew mentally I shouldn't have eaten it.

I'm over it now, but I need to make sure I stick to apples and other fruit for my cheat meals.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 19, 346 to go


Weighed in this morning.

I've lost 7 pounds since last Friday.

Lost 23 pounds in 19 days.

I weigh 397 now.

I am soooooooooo stoked about this!

Breezy and I did arms today.

We tried some exercises I haven't done yet.

It was a good day.

My arms are still tired as I type this.

I've been telling everyone at work about my weigh-in today.

I'm still amazed at what I've accomplished so far.

I wanna get to 50 lbs lost by New Years.

I have another 27 to go.

Thats 9 lbs a month for the next three months.

9 pounds a month!!

At the rate I'm going now...

... I'll drop those 27 pounds by Halloween.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 17, 348 to go

I'm really gonna need to cut down on the booze for this to work.

After not drinking for 40 days, I totally let loose over the weekend.

Friday night was crazy.

I wont go into details but I had a LOT of alcohol that night.

But I think being able to say no and resist it for that long will help me.

And I didn't eat any nasty fast food afterward!

I watched the season premiere of the Biggest Loser last night.

This one girl was like 470 pounds and quitting... the first episode!!!!!

That really pissed me off.

So many people would love to have a workout program like the Biggest Loser to help them lose weight.

How dare she give up on the first episode!

How dare she give up at all!

Jillian explained it was a mental thing.

Your body may be tired, but your mind can push it.

I've noticed it in myself a few times at the gym.

On the treadmill, my legs will start to cramp.

My first thought is "Ok, I'll stop for a second."

But before I can, my better judgement screams "FUCK NO YOU WON'T!"

And I keep going and forget all about the pain.

I've noticed my clothes are getting bigger... does that mean I'm getting smaller?

I need to make my belt tighter cause my pants are falling off.

Looking in the mirror, I haven't noticed anything different.

Some friends told me Saturday night that they could see a difference in my face.

My next weigh in is Friday morning.

If I've lost 4 pounds, that'll put me at 400 lbs and an even 20 lost.

If I've lost more, I'll be UNDER 400 lbs.

That would kick ass.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 12, 353 to go

So today was my second weigh-in day.

Breezy says I should always weigh before I workout because I might add water weight.

So I did.

I was hoping to have lost another 5 pounds since last week, putting me at 406 pounds.

Today I am 404 pounds. That's 7 pounds lighter than last Friday. 16 pounds lighter than when we started.

Today is also my 25th birthday.

This is a great feeling to lose this much weight so quickly and have a party tonight.

Breezy is scared that I'm gonna plateau sooner than we thought.

I don't think I'm gonna plateau until after the first 50 pounds... hopefully.

The guys keep talking about their "cheat meals".

A cheat meal is one meal over the weekend that is not healthy.

It doesn't mean you can pig out, but you can eat something you want and not worry about how it affects your diet.

I don't like that idea at all.

I don't wanna cheat.

I'm not going thru all this to keep eating the crap I was eating before.

But I did kinda have a cheat meal on Saturday night.

Matt says I can't have fruit.

So I ate an apple.

Great cheat meal, huh?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 5, 360 to go

Today we did legs.

My legs are a lot stronger than I thought.

I guess its just from holding up all this weight for 25 years.

Since today was Friday, it was Weigh Day.

I'm now 411 pounds.

I've lost 9 pounds.

91 more to go!

Gonna take the weekend off.

Still eating healthy just no workouts over the weekend.

Back at it Monday morning!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 4, 361 to go

Today we did shoulders.

My right one is definitely still jacked up.

It was hurting pretty bad this morning but it calmed down.

I kinda like doing cardio.

I haul ass on the treadmill and crank my ipod up.

I generally get about 15 to 20 minutes in before Matt and Breezy show up.

Today at the office, Chris K was wearing his old 107.9 The End football jersey.

I have an identical one at home in a closet somewhere.

It barely fit when he gave it to me 8 years ago.

Maybe when I lose all this weight, I'll be able to fit into it again.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 2, 363 to go

Just got to work.

We did arms today at the gym. Mine are sore now.

Breezy took some "before" pics of me yesterday afternoon.

I can't wait to see the "after" pics.

I got to the gym early today and hopped on the treadmill.

I put it on a speed a little faster than I normally walk.

I got out of breath pretty quick like I thought I would.

But I didn't stop. I kept going and I got a 2nd wind.

I sweat a lot but didn't get out of breath anymore.

It was awesome! I speed walked for about 25 mins.

After our workout, I weighed myself in the locker room.

On August 10th, I weighed 420 pounds.

After changing what I eat and only 2 days of working out...

I weighed 414 today. I've lost 6 pounds.

I'm hoping to drop another 4 and be at 410 by Friday.

Breezy says we'll weigh me every Friday.

So far, so good.