Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 128, 237 to go


A lot has happened in 10 days.

Drama with work, family, and friends.

Drank more than I should.

Ate more than I should.

I weighed-in on Sunday the 3rd.

I'm still at 350.

Lost no weight last week.

Now that my work hours are all outta wack, my gym time has been thrown off.

I'm trying to keep a routine but its hard.

Trying to eat very clean this week and not drink too much.

I hope Friday will bring me a few more pounds lost.

I am kinda proud of myself though.

I wanted to lose 50 lbs by New Years Eve.

I did that and 20 lbs more.

That's 70 lbs in 4 months.

Pretty badass right?

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